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UC Merced Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) Task Force

This website was created to help facilitate the UC Merced community’s understanding and implementation of the UC Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) policy that was published systemwide in November 2020 with an implementation target no later than June 30, 2024.


The Gender Recognition Act (California Senate Bill 179) officially went into effect January 1, 2019. The bill streamlines the process for Californians to apply to change their gender markers, and creates a nonbinary gender category (the letter “x,” "n," or "nb") on California birth certificates, drivers’ licenses, identity cards, and gender-change court orders. This law provides an opportunity for our campus to update language and policies to be more inclusive of transgender, intersex, and nonbinary members of the UC Merced community.

UC Gender Recognition and Lived Name (GRLN) Policy

The University of California published the Gender Recognition and Lived Name Policy and implementation guidance on November 6, 2020 to ensure all individuals will have university-issued identification documents and displays of personal identification information that recognize their accurate gender identity and lived name. For students, the policy permits the use of lived names on transcripts, diplomas, and dissertation title pages.

UCOP expects all UC locations to completely implement the policy and corresponding procedures by June 30, 2024.

To report noncompliance concerning the usage of a person’s gender identity or lived name, visit


To guide our campus through this transition, Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost Gregg Camfield will lead a task force to examine current use of gender and lived name in various systems across the campus, and to advise senior leadership on steps to protect legal name and instead use lived first and last names in these systems. This process will include:

  • Reviewing campus data systems, report templates, surveys/assessments, physical spaces, and policy language
  • Implementing inclusive changes to systems, policies and customer service practices
  • Recommending training and resources to ensure appropriate implementation.

The GRLN Committee will post updates to this site as needed to keep the campus community abreast of actions and upcoming changes.

Students: See the Registrar's website for more information.  Cat Card information here


About the Committee

The GRLN Committee meets once a month on the last Thursday of the month and includes the following individuals:

Avi Badwal, Interim Deputy Chief Information Officer

Michelle Brinkop, Medical Director

Jessica Duffy, Program Manager - Capital Projects

Nick Dugan, Interim Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Information Officer

Jessica Gardezy, Director of Internal Communication

Tania Gonzalez, Director of Counseling and Psychological Services

John Holtz, Financial Systems Support Manager

Eric Kalmin, Director of Records Management and Information Practices

Richard Lee, Director of Data Services

Scott Lepla, Interim Director of Housing Services

Jay Lomeli, Disability and Accommodations Consultant

Gary Lowe, Institutional Research and Reporting Manager

Wendy Puquirre, Equity and Justice Research Analyst

Mubeena Salaam, Financial Systems Support Team Lead

Michelle Snyder, Payroll Director

Liz Soria, Senior Academic Personnel Analyst

Rubi Turner, Talent Acquisition and Employment Manager

Erin Webb, Registrar



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