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November 28, 2022
Adding even a small amount of biochar — a charcoal-like material produced by burning organic matter — to a dairy’s manure-composting process reduces methane emissions by 84%, a recent study by UC Merced researchers shows. The dairy industry is one of the main sources of methane in California,...
November 23, 2022
Almost 1,000 community college students representing 39 different campuses in California came to UC Merced to explore the opportunities for transfer to a University of California school. The all-day Puente Motivational Conference introduced the students and more than 100 faculty members to...
November 22, 2022
Losses to California’s ag industry have continued to mount as the state’s drought stretched into a third straight year, according to a report released Tuesday by researchers from the School of Engineering and the Public Policy Institute of California. The report, led by Professor Josue Medellín-...
November 21, 2022
Rakesh Goel developed an interest in earthquakes at an early age — and rather abruptly. As a small boy in India, one of his first memories is of experiencing an earthquake. "I must have been a few years old and there was a big earthquake," said Dr. Goel. "I clung to the window, thinking that it was...
November 17, 2022
UC Merced’s commitment to keeping its students and their families informed about all the incredible opportunities the campus offers on Bobcat Day has been awarded first place in the Best Recruiting and Admissions category by the Modo Appademy Awards. The university’s Bobcat Day Connect Module,...
November 16, 2022
UCs Merced and Santa Cruz became the newest campuses in the system to be named an agricultural experiment stations (AES), UC President Michael Drake announced at today’s Regents’ meeting. They are the first campuses in more than 50 years to earn the designation. “With the AES designation, Santa...
November 16, 2022
    A day before the midterm election, Gov. Gavin Newsom made a surprise visit     to a political science class at UC Merced.     Newsom was invited by Assemblymember Adam Gray, who co-teaches the class     and provides insight about how government, specifically the California     State...
November 10, 2022
    It wasn’t exactly “Racers, start your engines.” More like, “Racers, remove     your covers.”     But the solar car challenge put on by CalTeach and the Solar Energy     Association at UC Merced Saturday, Nov. 5, was still an action-packed day     of racing.     Several dozen middle...
November 9, 2022
On Monday (Oct.31), UC Merced and Fresno City College (FCC) signed the Merced Promise Pathway Program memorandum of understanding (MOU). The signing of this MOU further extends access for transfer students in the Central Valley. FCC is the largest community college in the Central Valley region....
November 9, 2022
Molecular and Cellular Biology Professor Michele “Nish” Nishiguchi has been inducted as a Fellow of the California Academy of Sciences and was recently named president-elect for the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology (SICB). She is one of 11 distinguished scientists inducted at the...
