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Nominations, applications, and inquiries

UC Merced is committed to cultural diversity and it is expected that the successful candidate will further this commitment. The University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Confidential nominations and inquiries are being accepted for the position. Review of candidates will continue until the position is filled. Nominators should send a letter of nomination that includes relevant contact information (mailing address, e-mail address, and phone number) as well as the context of the nomination. Applications should include a concise cover letter, CV, and reference list that identifies people who have directly observed the candidate in their leadership role(s). All nominations, applications, and inquiries should be directed to the search firm. E-mail correspondence is strongly encouraged.

David Bellshaw, Bernard Jones or Lindsay Gold
Isaacson, Miller

1000 Sansome Street, Suite 300
San Francisco, CA 94111
Phone: 415.655.4909 Fax: 415.655.4905