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A Time for Unity

Re: A Time for Unity
To: All Campus
January 7, 2021
To the UC Merced Community,
Yesterday’s tumult in Washington, D.C. has shaken many, but it also provides a valuable lesson for those of us at UC Merced working for a better future.
Now more than ever, we see the significance of higher education’s role in helping to prepare a thoughtful citizenry, committed to reasoned analysis and respectful civic engagement.

Regarding Social Media Posts

Re: Social Media Posts
To: All campus
Dec. 29, 2020

Dear UC Merced community,

A Twitter account associated with a faculty member included messages that crossed the line established by the Board of Regents in their 2016 Statement of Principles Against Intolerance condemning anti-Semitism and “anti-Semitic forms of anti-Zionism,” and affirming that “acts of discrimination that demean our differences, are antithetical to the values of the university and serve to undermine its purpose.”

UC Merced Job Protection Plan

Re: UC Merced Job Protection Plan
To: All employees
Nov. 23, 2020
Dear Campus Community
Earlier today University of California President Michael Drake asked each campus to meet a savings target for personnel costs by the end of June 2021 — with the primary operating principle of preserving jobs and preventing layoffs. UC Merced supports this principle and is committed to putting people first as we address the fiscal impacts of the pandemic to the best extent possible.


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